Attorney Morgan Adams: Lifetime Member of APITLA

When we say Truck Wreck Justice, we mean justice. The attorneys at the Law Offices of Morgan Adams are committed to not only helping those who have been seriously injured as the result of trucking accidents — we also believe it’s important to put a stop to unsafe and illegal trucking practices before they can cause harm. 

This commitment goes beyond the courtroom: founding Truck Wreck Justice attorney Morgan Adams is a lifetime member of The Association of Plaintiff Interstate Trucking Lawyers of America (APITLA), a professional association dedicated to making U.S. highways safer not just for our clients, but for everyone.

APITLA is made up of well-respected, dedicated, and ethical plaintiff lawyers who all share the same mission. As stated on the association’s webpage, APITLA attorneys “work aggressively within the law through learning, legislation, and litigation to achieve our mission of dramatically reducing the number of traffic accidents, injuries, and deaths across America that are caused by those trucking companies who are unsafe.”

Education is a key component of membership in APITLA, including continuing legal education (CLE) for individual attorneys, legislative action, and awareness efforts — including outreach to law students, other lawyers, and the general public, as well as truck drivers and trucking companies. Through this work, the attorneys of APITLA strive to make sure that unsafe and potentially dangerous practices in the trucking industry are brought to the forefront of public awareness and news media coverage.

Thanks to his many years of law practice with a concentration in large truck and bus crashes, Attorney Morgan Adams has seen firsthand the devastating and life-changing consequences that afflict the victims of trucking accidents. He represents the injured victims of these crashes to ensure that his clients’ suffering will not come without consequences for the negligent parties responsible, and his work with APITLA also allows him to bring awareness to unsafe practices in the trucking industry so that future accidents might be prevented.

While many trucking accident cases involve significant damages and can result in large recoveries for the injured, there is no doubt that the victims of these accidents and their loved ones would trade a monetary settlement or judgment of any amount to have avoided the accident and its devastating consequences in the first place. APITLA is an important organization in the effort to realize this by preventing future trucking accidents and taking dangerous vehicles and drivers off the road.

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