Who Can Be Sued When Someone is Injured or Killed in a Trucking Accident in Seattle?

If you’ve been injured in a trucking accident in Seattle, what are your legal options? Watch this short video from founding Truck Wreck Justice Attorney Morgan Adams to learn the answer:

In Seattle, Washington, you have the ability to pursue legal action against not only the driver of the truck that hit you or your loved one but the trucking company as well, Adams says.

A trucking crash that severely injures or kills someone is not always the fault of the driver alone. If the trucking company failed to properly evaluate the driver and hired someone underqualified or who lacked the necessary training for the job, Adams says, they can and should be held accountable for allowing that individual on the road.

The Truck Wreck Justice attorneys at Truck Wreck Justice are committed to providing quality personal injury legal representation for the victims of trucking accidents and their loved ones. Established in 1997, the firm is located in Chattanooga, TN, and is widely recognized for its attorneys’ track record in the area of trucking accident litigation.

Truck Wreck Justice:
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