Will Morgan Adams Take My Case?

You might be wondering exactly what types of cases the Truck Wreck Justice attorneys take. While we wish we could represent every injured person who contacts us, that’s not always the case: Our attorneys focus their practice primarily on accidents that involve large trucks and buses. Watch the video below to hear more from trucking attorney Morgan Adams on this subject:

At Truck Wreck Justice, our focus on trucking accident litigation enables us to excel at what we do. Our body of knowledge and network of expert resources within this challenging area of personal injury practice empower us to represent our clients effectively and aggressively in trucking accident cases.

This focus also means that we do not handle every type of personal injury case. However, we can help you find the right legal representation for your case thanks to our extensive network of professional connections with other attorneys. Watch the short video above to learn more about how we can help you, even if our attorneys can’t personally handle your case.

The Truck Wreck Justice attorneys at Truck Wreck Justice are committed to providing quality legal representation for the victims of trucking accidents and their loved ones. Established in 1997, the firm is located in Chattanooga, TN, and is widely recognized for its attorneys’ track record in the area of trucking accident litigation.

Truck Wreck Justice:
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